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Sports Physiotherapy Sydney 2009

Kate and I are still awake by the lunch break. We meet up with Rod Maclean an ex colleague from Six Physio in London. Now working in Brisbane at Xphysiotherapy. Then trouble....i spy Flo from the AIS. Decide that the afternoon session will be too dry....academics and all that. Off to The Waterside Bar at Darling Harbour. Sensational weather and we catch up. Kate and Flo get on like old muckers. How many Mojitos was that ?? Not enough for one day. Kate and I leave PB and Flo and a random crew at about 7pm to head back to Potts Point. We have Dave and Sky over for dinner. I burn the broccolli (is that ever possible without drinking all day and jet lag ?) Another 4 days of this !!!

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