
The flight from Kruger to Capetown’s brand new airport is “hectic” as they say in these parts.
We turn for the final approach into an 80kph head wind. The only plane that lands that day.
Chris waits for us at the baggagae reclaim and displays his trademark polite “ nothings a problem “ personality as he spends the next few days suggesting diversions to the disgusting weather. Robben Island ferry crossing is cancelled because of high winds and rough seas. Thats the end of seeing mandela’s view of table mountain from his cell. The gondola to table mountain reveals fog thicker than in Sherlock Holme’s London and no view. Kate shops. I have a few swims. One at the 101 year old Long Street Baths. Victorian grandeur in need of a bit of TLC, but a friendly venue all the same.
Chris and Annemarie look after us in Haut Bay.

The Grand Restaurant on the beach at the international destination that is Camps Bay.
We join Chris and a dozen of Annemarie’s nearest and dearest for a sundowner followed by a slap up meal. Last table to leave a dedicvated crew reconvene at the new nightclub just down the road....straight into a launch party for the revamped Cosmopolitan magazine.
Models swinging their lithe hips as fat businessmen shipped in the bottles of Absolute and tables of Bubbly. What an entertaining night. I feel a hangover coming on !!
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