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The Billy Cart Project

Kate and I arrive in Melbourne and before you know it we have hired two bicycles for the duration of our visit from Bay Cycles, picked up Big Bert Bender for the weekend. Damn if the boy hasn't grown even further since my visit early July!!! Full of beans and as excitable as ever. Suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree as they say in rural Otago. Bert, Kate and I get through to saturday afternoon when the topic of conversation turns to this weekends homework.

Bert needs to design a Billy Cart. Thats a Soapbox Racer. We chat about the engineering limitations, aerodynamic considerations and an appropriate budget for a 12 year old. Log on to Youtube and spend the next 30 minutes laughing at the Billy Cart crashes that previous lads have filmed.

Bert does the sketch for his version and i do a plan for a billy cart modelled on The Stealth Project.

Off to bed a bit late after grilled Rockling and rice with steamed veg. 

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  • Response
    so basically, i want to down;oad one of those programs that makes ur mouse pointer cool, but i don't want it to screw up my computer.. . what's a good one?.
  • Response
    go here for best como posicionarse en google available
  • Response
    Here is the project reviews these are trusted and wise hope that would be trusted. The students who really need the stuff about should visit and boost their knowledge. Keep going to bring the updated material that would be trusted.

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