Franschhoek the Chardonnay Capital of S.A.

Remember i told you about that morning excursion up the cable car to a peasoup fog atop Table Mountain? It lead to coffee and a random copy of S.A. Country LIfe magazine. The classifieds. A spot to stop in Franschhoek. Little Willow Brook Cottage and after a leisurely drive through the roadworks we turn the key on a cottage a deux. Plunge pool overlooking the brook. Period fireplace and a lavender pot pourri on the bed. Very quaint yet just what we needed. The chess set out in front of the open fire. A glass of Buller’s fine port with cheese and fig jam.

Joey and Melissa were married nearby at the Vere und Lust Vineyard. Kate and I wake early and hire 2 bicycles. We have the mother of all winds blowing us along. Dont even need to pedal the flat bits. The most picturesque valley, with Cape Dutch buildings, vines growing well up the mountainsides and extraordinary modern architecture in some of the vineyards. We stop at Graham Beck and taste a flight of champagne style sparkling wine made from the local vines. Very classy. The Brut was served at Nelson Mandela’s Presidential celebrations and also at Barrack Obama’s inaugeration. We see bottling of the current vintage through the steel and glass cellar direct from the tasting room. Back on the bikes to finally arrive at Vreere und Lust for lunch. The 22km cycle back was directly into a 70kph head wind. The least said the better, but nearly ended in tears.

Le Motte, Moreson and Haut Cabriere. By car today. Still recovering from 7 hours of cycling yesterday. All exceptional wines with the classy Chardonnay as French in style as any blind Burgundian could tell. Lunch in the cellar restaurant overlooking the valley below.
Kate leaves her handbag next to the table as we depart the garden route for a 4 hour drive to Wilderness.
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