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Merry Christmas

A bit slow this morning but coffee and the Henry ritual of Xmas scrambled eggs with salmon. We get to speak with Bert who is in Tasmania with his Grandfather. A world away, but Santa delivered his present all the way from Val (thanks Poste France). We skype Loz and Syl in Cornwall with Nick, Susie and Pat. Christmas is a time for relationships, to celebrate those we love and giving means so much more than receiving, but I did get a lovely pen, a perfect book and the dodgiest winter gillet ever !! MERRY CHRISTMAS xxx

References (4)

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  • Response
    Response: bbwcdf.com
    Mark Bender London Physio - Mark Bender London Physio - blog - Merry Christmas
  • Response
    Response: best coffee blog
    It was an amazing and great experience honestly speaking I felt so relive and calmness deep down my heart. Feels like I’ve no anxiety and burden to think upon anything. I have learn to overcome my fears and to handle my problems in efficient manner.
  • Response
    Response: academic writing
    Without morning coffee I cannot start my day. I think it gives you energy to deal with the challenges of the whole day. Thanks for sharing your post with us. It is quite interesting.
  • Response
    Response: Patronsurveys com
    I would love to have coffee with my friends at McDonald's! I think it would be a great place to catch up and chat. There

Reader Comments (1)

cheers Mark - thanks for not telling who your dodgiest present was from!.... lovely photo of you both. x

December 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermarge

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