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It has been 12 years since i have travelled to NZ. Although I dont think much about living on the other side of the world from my native land I dont miss the irony of arriving into Auckland airport the week that I have been notified that I am now a British citizen. I have such strong memories of a happy childhood in an idyllic setting. Rugby, swimming, bush walking, sailing, scuba diving and spending time with a close extended family. Tony Lynch a lifelong friend meets Kate and I at the airport. We drive the empty motorways late at night back from the airport to his Ponsonby townhouse. The children, Kezia and Matthew are asleep as we reminiss over a bottle of Hawkes Bay Merlot. In the morning we will pick up Michol, Tony's partner from the Waiheke ferry for a day of hanging out in my old home town.

Did I mention that Kate was asked for ID on the flight from Melbourne ? "Excuse me miss but you need to be 18 to drink wine with your meal" Kate takes it well but I dont get asked !!  :( :(at home with tony and michol

References (4)

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  • Response
    Response: blog on hot-tubs
    Mark Bender London Physio - Mark Bender London Physio - blog - Aotearoa
  • Response
    Response: estate planning
    Mark Bender London Physio - Mark Bender London Physio - blog - Aotearoa
  • Response
    Response: writing help
    Mark bender is doing fantastic work, i wonder that he was a mediocre student of Auckland, New Zealand. But his achievements tell us a different story. Keep growing dear, keep serving people.
  • Response
    NZ is my favorite country and has lots of attractions inside. I visited it last year on official tour. However, I could not visit some famous places. Therefore, I am planning to visit it this year again.

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