
It has been 12 years since i have travelled to NZ. Although I dont think much about living on the other side of the world from my native land I dont miss the irony of arriving into Auckland airport the week that I have been notified that I am now a British citizen. I have such strong memories of a happy childhood in an idyllic setting. Rugby, swimming, bush walking, sailing, scuba diving and spending time with a close extended family. Tony Lynch a lifelong friend meets Kate and I at the airport. We drive the empty motorways late at night back from the airport to his Ponsonby townhouse. The children, Kezia and Matthew are asleep as we reminiss over a bottle of Hawkes Bay Merlot. In the morning we will pick up Michol, Tony's partner from the Waiheke ferry for a day of hanging out in my old home town.
Did I mention that Kate was asked for ID on the flight from Melbourne ? "Excuse me miss but you need to be 18 to drink wine with your meal" Kate takes it well but I dont get asked !! :( :(at home with tony and michol

Tony and I walk Kezia and then Matthew to school. Lots of school uniforms and relaxed teachers at the gates. Very multicultural and the Pacific Islanders smile with a broader grin than any other group of people. Kate and I team up with Tony and Michol for a visit to the Auckland War Memorial Museum. We see a doodlebug hanging in the stairwell of the Neoclassic building. The Museum shines in the Pacifics midday sun. A fair remembrance to those Kiwis who gave their life in several wars. I am lucky enough to log on to the war records at the top floor IT department. I search for my Great Uncle Reggie who lost his life at El Alamain and my Grandfather Roy who made it home but , they say, was never the same again. Great photos of the Sapper and Quartermaster on file and various other details. Touching history...

Last night Kate and I join Michol on the ferry to Waiheke Island. Weather is pretty variable. We arrive a bit windblown, drive to the bottom of the island where T and M live. A deep sleep and we wake to a glorious sunrise. I swim in their private bay and enjoy the buoyancy of the crystal clear salt water of the Hauraki Gulf. A day follows with visits to world renown wineries and some of the most sort after beach properties. Lunch is grilled fish and salad overlooking the bay.
If ever I could have asked to roll the essense of NZ into one 3 day visit I could not have done better than spending this time with T and M in their homes. We sample this year's summer dinner party fare with Michol. The roast pear with brie and cranberry being the favourite before getting the last ferry back to Auckland. I had to apologise to Prof. Wayne Hing on not making it to the BBQ. The 3 day visit far too brief to do justice to those I should have caught up with. I make a silent promise to myself to get back soon. Not another 12 years. Thats for sure !!must be 6pm somewhere in the world !

Early morning drop off at Auckland Airport and a flight back with awkward hand luggage.... Kate managed to track down a very cool Devonport artist called Christian Nicholson and bought a piece called "run for it" which is what we seem to be doing .... on the move yet again to be with Bert tonight in Melbourne.
If we can only spend time with him Wednesday nights and the weekends so be it, but what a good time we will have.
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