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Val d'Isere Top 10

10. Train Rouge bus drivers.... bonne journee x

9. The spanking new 25m pool at Oxygen

8.  Pierre-Julien and Julien at Taverne d'Alsace

7. Sean the Kiwi at Poudreuse Ski Workshop

6. St Foy

5.  All the staff at The Blue Note

4. Yann Dessert ( the pudding man )

3. Kellie and Musicians at Follie Douce in the sunshine

2. Mullit, wherever they play

1. Kate Henry on skisTechnique straight from The Ginger Skiers GuideSuch a PHAT BOARDER, Kate's only challenge is on Skis !

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  • Response
    Response: thecvstore review
    Congratulations to them who have achieved this mission and today their names are coming in the top 10 lists. This is a really big achievement and how lucky and satisfied they all were feeling I can understand. Happy for all of you guys. Stay safe!

Reader Comments (1)

Hello Mark

Just wanted to say congratulations for all that you have achieved in the past 20 years or so, we knew each other when you were training to become 'the world's best physio' :) I hope you both have a splendid time with your continuing adventures. It Is great to read about your success and I wish you all the blessings of peace, love and prosperity for the future. Leah (once upon a time Smith).

March 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeah

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