3 Weekends and 2 Wednesday Nights

After homework and a review of my beautiful boys wayward behaviour at the posh Anglican boys school that he attends in Melbourne we have little time to squeeze in the obligatory wrestling .... yes he beats me these days.... the cycling along The Esplanade, the tennis at Elsternwick Park....Kate takes a couple of games off the lad and he is v sportsmanlike about " not trying too hard against a girl, Dad! " We talk about his future life in Australia how I am unable to take him back to London and that his Mother, however misguided, does the best she can for him.......... and then its manful goodbyes to my boy and a tearful flight back to London. God only knows what makes us stronger and why we need such pain in our lives but we do try to be the best and most talented and most beautiful we can be.
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